Friday, 12 December 2014

Offpage Optimization in SEO

Widgets Magazine
Offpage Optimization in SEO

Offpage Optimization in SEO

Link BuildingOffpage optimization in SEO is an important aspect, as the entire SERP results will depend on the effective offpage optimization through a processes called Back links. What and how a back link can be generated?
What: Back link mean generating or getting a reference link from an 3rd party site which is giving us a reference through online. How we receive a reference through online. If a webpage has to increase its SERP results into search engine they a webpage need to have quantitative and qualitative back link
What are quantitative back links, more number of site ref a website is called quantitative backlinks
What are qualitative back links, More number of quality sites ref a website is called qualitative backlinks
What is quality of a webpsge:
Widgets Magazine
A webpage from where we are getting a backlink need to have the below provided guidelines
1 Structure url
2 Structure content
3 Usage of Richmedia snippets
4 Usage of meta tags
5 Usage of Alt tags
6 High Page rank
7 High Site rank
8 High Audience count
9 No Spam
10 No Virus
11 Less ADV

Offpage seo

Widgets Magazine

Offpage optimization means generating traffic through backlinks. How backlinks  will generate traffic? The main usage of  link building is to generate traffic organically where it helps in SERP. Every quality backlink generate good mileage to an website, as backlinks make a webpage move its presence, what are the main aspects of getting a backlink.

Get a backlink from quality sites
Backlink from less advertising  sites
Links from quality content sites
Backlink from category sites
Backlink from high page ranksite
Backlink from high traffic sites
Backlinks from social bookmarking sites
Social media sites
Directory sites
Forum sites
Blog sites
Classified sites
Aiticle sites, etc.

In my another article you can find list of quality sites.


Thursday, 11 December 2014

Google adwords

Widgets Magazine
Google adwords, what and why google adwords? Adwords means where advertisement  can be rolled  through online channel. There are 3 different  ways of advertisements  1 text ads, 2 display  ads & 3 video ads.
Different types of ad plat form channels are 1 search network  2 display network
Various ways of advertisements
1 text ads
2 display ads
3 mobile ads
4 video ads
5 product  ads
6 wap mobile ads
7 dynamic display ads
8 dynamic  text ads
9 general purpose ads
10 wap app ads
Different types of ad types