Friday, 14 November 2014
Usage of Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing Uses
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Internet Marketing |
The inception of Internet has started in the year 1996 and at that time the main player was Yahoo corporation, since Yahoo has started in 1996 it has penetrated its presence in Internet in a very swift way. However, Yahoo could not maintain its competition in online since Google has started its market as Google Search Engine.
Google Search has started in the year 1999 and implemented various tools which help them and their Internet users. Google's Main focus was to capture as much as Data It can; which means collection of various data base and give the same information when user request through their search engine.
Google has started attracting their customers via Google Search by maintaining their data accurately by implementing various tools like Google Panda, Google Penguin, Google Humming Bird & Google Pigeon. Google did not let their Internet presence go down as their main source of earning is from Google ADwords.
When Google has generated its demand in Internet Marketing users started depending only on Google, as the data accuracy was not compromised by Google development team. Also the demand for Internet Marketing got increase because most of the users are depending Google Search engine.
As Digital Marketing (Internet Marketing) made its demand in the year 2014 and which is penetrating with a swift phase, market demand got increased for the Internet users and who try to sell their product or service through Online.
Demand for SEO - Search Engine Optimization, which means driving traffic organically, SEM - Search Engine Marketing, Which means driving traffic through paid content, SMO - Which means driving traffic through Social media content marketing, SMM - Which means driving traffic through Social media paid content & last but not least Google Analytics, Which says calculate all your traffic where and how your website audience are behaving using your website.
Now a days trend is Internet Marketing and drive sales with less cost and which is very cost effective.
SEO Tips
SEO Tips
SEO Tips |
SEO means Search engine optimization, in which we drive traffic organically. Driving traffic organically means using various methods of seo techniques and tools where we tend to optimize for various search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, etc...
Today in SEO Tips we are going to learn some of the important methods how to optimize a page in search engine. SEO tips will provide you a wide range of inputs in Onpage & Offpage optimization.
SEO Tips follows
Before knowing about SEO Tips lets first talk about two important aspects of SEO. One Onpage which talks about structuring data and working on webpage content. Two Offpage which deals with linkbuilding concepts
Onpage SEO Tips
- Utilization of targeted keyword in the URL
- Usage of Header Tags
- Keyword Research
- Content
- Usage of Image Tags/ Alt tags
- Anchor tags
- Strong Tags
- Meta Tags
- HTML Errors
- Coding Errors
- Structure Data
- Registering with various webmaster tools like Google, Bing, Yahoo, ASK etc
- Competitor Analysis
- 301 Redirect
- Canonical Link
- Sitemap Creation
OffPage SEO Tips
- Competitor Analysis
- In House website Analysis
- HTML Errors
- Keyword Research
- Backlinks of Competitors
- In house website Backlinks
- Linkbuilding
- Social Media Bookmarking sites
- Social Media Sites
- Directory Listings
- Article Sites
- Blog Sites
- Forum Sites
- Groups
- RSS Feed Marketing
- Free Press Release sites
- Guest Blogging
- Classified sites
Friday, 31 October 2014
Google Panda
Google panda? the word sounds like an animal. Yes, but it is not an animal from Google point of view it is an hardcore animal which observes all those users who try to bluff Google with their SEO techniques.
Google Panda launched in the year 2011 Feb. The main intension of Google launching Panda is to low the rank of low quality sites or thin sites and bring high quality sites in Google SERP.
What are low quality sites or thin sites, Sites which have huge advertisement, sites which has very thin content, sites which do not follow Google webmaster guidelines.
As Google says content is King many of us even me think if i have huge or more content on my site then i can rank well in Google SERP and we tend to copy content from other sites where the relevant content is existing. However, this is not true, because google says copy the content but do not deploy the content as it is in your site with curating or human review.
Content has to be written with our own words, where as most of the people tend to copy content from other sites, which might tend to fall under Google penalization.
Ways of writing content, Content can be written with the below provided ways
1) Know your category for which you are planning to write the content
2) Competition for the content
3) Know your keywords
4) Competitor analysis to know how your competitors are focusing content
5) How many times are you going to use your targeted keywords in your content
6) See that your content is atleast 1200 to 1500 words
7) No scraped content
8) No copied content
Follow these guide lines and expect optimal results
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Doorway Pages
Doorway Pages in SEO
Doorway pages are set of large set of poor quality pages, how decide pages as poor quality pages, pages which are optimized for specific keyword or phrase are called Doorway pages.
Doorway sites are frustrated to users. When user tries to open a pages it sends users to other pages where they have unrelevant content existing. Doorway pages are sites are restricted by Google.
Doorways are one of the main concepts of SEO as many of us think we can manipulate search engines with our software technique. However, Google tend to recognize those sites who does this activity.
Multiple sites referring to one site where it tend to increase site rank, keywords density, pages performance in SERP
Monday, 27 October 2014
Clocking in SEO
Black Hat SEO |
Clocking reference to Black hat SEO in search engine optimization.
Clocking means what search engine read that would not be read by the users; how this works and what does it mean search engine read that would not be read by users?
While search engine crawling the website source due to some software techniques written by the developers search engine is restricted to read the main content on the web page what exactly the users is reading and that entire source is dumped with lot of unrelevant content likes keywords.
By doing this as search engine gives more preference to the relevance of the keyword in random loop so opportunities will be more for the webpages to show it's results on Google SERP.
However, this is now declared as black hat SEO and these kind of activities are been seriously restricted by Google and Google penalizes those websites from Google search engine.
There are 2 major concepts of doing unethical SEO
1) Black Hat SEO
2) Grey Hat SEO
Balck hat seo reference to manipulating search engine with different content that what the user see
Grey hat seo reference to generating back links from unrelevant sites and purchasing links from sites
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Pages Creating with no original or little content
Creating pages with no original or little content
I my earlier topic i have explained that content is a king, so when content is king what type of content need to be created? There are some basic rules while developing content.
1) Choose a topic for which you are looking to design a content
2) Try gathering information from other online sources where the information is existing
3) Copy the content and try to understand how you competitors have written the content on their portals
4) While reading the content from other sources try to get some important keywords from the content.
5) Research those keyword which were noted from others content and try to do Google keyword research to know the competition and user search terms
6) Once, you do the intensive research on the keywords now using those keywords try to write content on your own words by using those keywords.
7) Minimum content should be at least 1200 to 1500 words per content
8) Using bold text in your content so that for important keywords google to recognizes those and index paster
9) Usage of Anchor tag for bold text
10) Do not generate automated content from robots, so that others content is been copied
11) For more details please follow Google Webmaster Guide Lines
For best results Learn SEO Training from experts
Sunday, 12 October 2014
Link Schemes
Information about Link Schemes
In in my last blog i explained about how to design content and how content is important in a webpage. As we know that content is king lets today discuss about Link Building and its importance, also how links are important to a website performance in Google SERP
Well lets jump into the real concepts of Links Building
There are 3 ways of link building which we have discussed in my last blog and now will see from which website and from which websites we need to generated links
Do not purchase links
Do not involve in link schemes
Do not generate links from websites which has more number of advertisements
Do not generate links from irrelevant category websites
Do not generate links from low quality sites
Do not generate links from low page rank, low traffic, less content sites
Do not involve in Black hat, Grey hat SEO
Generate links organically
Generate links from rich quality sites
Generate links from less advertising sites
Generate links from category sites
Generate links from high quality sites
Generate links from good quality page rank sites, good traffic sites, etc
Do always White hat SEO
Following these rules will generate good SERP in Google and also sites will not be panelized by Google
Google Webmaster guidelines
Google Webmaster Guide Lines - Content writing
Now, today i am going to talk about Google webmaster guidelines, what exactly is this word called google webmaster guidelines; what are guidelines and what are their importance. as we all know SEO main intension is to bring or rank a keyword into Google SERP (search engine results page), there are some guidelines while doing this activity, what are those?
First of all lets talk about:
Content: What is content? How to write a content
Content means the topic which we choose to explain to our users what kind of services or products that we offer through our company in one way from our website. Well when we try to deliver some thing to our customers from our website they how we have to write a content and what are the methods that one has to follow. Below are some the examples to write content in an apt full way
1) Do not copy the content from other websites
2) Write content by your own words
3) Do some research about the topic which you want to deliver to your customers
4) Think about some of the keywords and try to use those keywords in the content
5) Use some hyper links to the content
6) Make sure those keywords has good impressions
7) You content main topic is useful to the users
8) Content is well structured and ordered
9) Content has minimum words of at least 1000 to 1500
If the content is delivered in the above suggested way then your webpage will have more chances in Google SERP to bring up the search results into first page.
One word tag line: Always remember that Content is King
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Offpage Optimization Tips
In my last article i wrote about onpage optimization and its usages, here in this article i would like to give detailed information about offpage optimization and how its going to help in improving sites performance and SERP results.
Offpage Optimization, is important in improving a website page rank and site rank. where as it also helps web pages moving up faster in search engine results.
How to do Offpage Optimization, offpage optimization is all about link building; how to do this link building and what are the various ways of link building. There are 3 ways of link building 1) On way link building 2) Two way link building (reciprocal link building) 3) Three way link building.
Lets have more details:
One way link building: Generating link from sites which accepts link to be submitted
in their sites, in this way a web page receives link. While search engine crawling the website where we have submitted a link if that link is indexed by search engines then we received a backlink. In this way one way link building is useful.
Two way link building: This is exchange of links between two different sites. For example, lets assume our website is and we are trying to get a link exchange from, when we submit a link over there they generates a link from their website and ask us to submit their link on our portal and they submit our link on their portal. In this way two way link building which is called (reciprocal link building) helps in generating backlinks to site.
Three way link building: Exchanging links between various sites, for example our site is and generating links not directly to but instead generating direct links to, we try to generate links from various social media sites which are more dynamic than our site and promote that using various sites in the list below given
So, now how to get a backlink
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
SEO Tips
Aparajita Services SEO Tips |
SEO - means search engine optimization, most of us know about that. However, what most of us don't know is what and how we have to make use of search engine in promoting our products or services.
It's been recently observed that most of the population round the world think that SEO is nothing just my generating some back-links; is that true? SEO means only generating back-links? No its not, if that the case then why we have an huge competition in the market for SEO experts.
So, what do exactly this SEO mean and how we can promote a product or services. ok, in my article i am going to explain you the usage of search engine and how SEO will help and how we be helped my various search engines.
There are 2 basic fundamentals about SEO. 1) onpage optimization and 2) offpage optimization
Before we talk or discuss about onpage or offpage optimization in seo lets first focus on what is optimization; The word optimization means use all latest tools and methods to improve a sites performance in search engine. So, how we are going to do that?
Onpage Optimization:
Onpage optimization means first while designing a website are following all the guide lines of Google webmaster tool or not? If so are we structuring our webpages as per search engine friendly? What are the various ways of structuring an webpage?
2) Choosing an appropriate business which has good market
3) Usage of health content, not a copied content
4) Usage of images which do not have any copy right issue
5) Implementing h1, h2, h3 tags
6) Meta tags
7) Alt tags
8) Image Tags
9) Anchor Tags
10) 301 redirect
11) 404 structure pages
12) Canonical redirections
13) Using Structure data like Rich Media Snippets
14) Preoptimization Report
15) Google webmaster tool
16) Google Keyword research tool
17) Competitor Analysis
18) Relevance between url, all tags including content
19) Keyword density checker
20) HTML errors, etc.....
For more info visit us: SEO Training
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