Sunday, 12 October 2014

Link Schemes

Information about Link Schemes

Information about Link Schemes

In in my last blog i explained about how to design content and how content is important in a webpage. As we know that content is king lets today discuss about Link Building and its importance, also how links are important to a website performance in Google SERP

Well lets jump into the real concepts of Links Building

There are 3 ways of link building which we have discussed in my last blog and now will see from which website and from which websites we need to generated links


Do not purchase links

Do not involve in link schemes
Do not generate links from websites which has more number of advertisements
Do not generate links from irrelevant category websites
Do not generate links from low quality sites
Do not generate links from low page rank, low traffic, less content sites
Do not involve in Black hat, Grey hat SEO


Generate links organically

Generate links from rich quality sites
Generate links from less advertising sites
Generate links from category sites
Generate links from high quality sites
Generate links from good quality page rank sites, good traffic sites, etc
Do always White hat SEO

Following these rules will generate good SERP in Google and also sites will not be panelized by Google

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